pyRouterJig A woodworking layout tool for creating box and dovetail joints

Wood Pattern Selection

On the bottom row of the lower-left grid parameters are Top Board, Bottom Board, Double Board, and Double-Double Board, which allow you to select the pattern or wood images used to draw these boards, along with parameters for Double and Double-Double joints. The Double and Double-Double joints are explained in the section Double Joints. In this section, we cover how to specify patterns for any board and how to add image files to simulate the appearance of wood grain.

The patterns for Boards may be selected under each respective board header (Top, Bottom, Double, and Double-Double). By default, pyRouterJig uses simple patterns to draw the board, such as the default Solid Fill shown in the figures above. You may also specify any image file (such as a Portable Network Graphics - PNG) to draw the board. At startup, pyRouterJig looks in the wood_images folder in your home directory and assumes any file in this folder is an image file. It then makes these images available to draw any of the boards. The name and location of the folder may be changed under the Preferences window; see the section Saving Preferences.

A starting wood_images can be downloaded from this link. Unzip this file in your home directory and you should be ready to go. As an example, the file hard-maple.png is in this wood_images folder. Using this image for the Top and Bottom Boards in the opening screenshot displays Figure 3. Other wood image files can be obtained from the wood database website.

Figure 3. Same as the opening screenshot, but using a "hard-maple" image file for the Top and Bottom Boards.